Tuesday, April 11, 2017

ScienceDirect Search Alert: Graphene Research

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Search alert: Graphene Research
5 New articles available on ScienceDirect
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Hierarchical nanosheet-based MoS2/graphene nanobelts with high electrochemical energy storage performance   Original Research Article
Journal of Power Sources, Volume 354, 30 June 2017, Pages 1-9
Yulong Jia, Hongqi Wan, Lei Chen, Huidi Zhou, Jianmin Chen
Continuous and catalyst free synthesis of graphene sheets in thermal plasma jet   Original Research Article
Chemical Engineering Journal, Available online 12 April 2017, Pages
Maciej Fronczak, Péter Fazekas, Zoltán Károly, Bartosz Hamankiewicz, Michał Bystrzejewski

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Density functional theory prediction of pKa for carboxylated single-wall carbon nanotubes and graphene   Original Research Article
Chemical Physics, Available online 12 April 2017, Pages
Hao Li, Aiping Fu, Xuyan Xue, Fengna Guo, Wenbo Huai, Tianshu Chu, Zonghua Wang

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Electrochemical synthesis of three-dimensional porous reduced graphene oxide film: Preparation and in vitro osteogenic activity evaluation   Original Research Article
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Available online 12 April 2017, Pages
Zizhu Tian, Lixun Huang, Xibo Pei, Junyu Chen, Tong Wang, Tao Yang, Han Qin, Lei Sui, Jian Wang

Graphical abstract

Graphene oxide reinforced ultra-thin carbon paper used for fuel cells and the mechanisms of reinforcement   Original Research Article
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Available online 11 April 2017, Pages
Piaopiao Yang, Zhiyong Xie, Hongbin Li, Pan Wang, Qizhong Huang
Access all 5 new results in ScienceDirect for : TITLE(graphene) and TITLE-ABSTR-KEY(graphene)
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